Slay the demons! Defeat the Devil King!
That witch who claims the name of a goddess!
Tie her up! Take the wench and tie her up!
Who gave you permission to dye your hair blue?!
Impostor! Impostor! Impostor!
The Aqua impostor's running away!
Find the Aqua impostor!
I think the water source is the problem.
That makes sense.
If I can purify that, the hot springs should all turn back to normal.
It'll cut off the rotten smell at the source!
There she is! I found the wannabe!
Do you really have to save the people who are saying all that?!
But they're my darling faithful...
Come on, I'm an arch priest with the Axis Church!
Here, look at my adventurer card!
You can't go in, arch priest or not.
One of the overseers just said not to let anyone else in.
Honorable members of the Axis Church...
It's important that you do this. It's the right thing to do.
By letting us through, this town will be—
Oh, we're in the Eris faith.
Come on, let us through!
The water source up ahead is in danger!
I just want to save the town!
No means no, miss.
Go on, head back home.
Wait a minute!
Y'know, you're actually kinda...
pretty attractive, in a way!
Your profile looks like a red dragon. It's pretty cool!
Are you saying I have a lizard face?!
Fine. If you really don't want to let me in,
I'll tell the Axis Church that you Eris sect members
were saying terrible things about our faith.
What the hell is wrong with you?!
It's stuff like this that makes Axis cultists a pain to deal with!
And that blue hair—aren't you the one who pulled that prank where you
replaced the hot springs with hot water?!
N-No, all I did was purify the hot springs...
So it was you!
We definitely can't let you in!
Now, get out of here!
Hey, wait a minute!
Come on, Darkness. Here's one of the few times you get to be useful.
What do you mean, "few"?!
I'm useful on occasion, you know!
Hey, don't push me! What are you trying to do?!
Do you realize who this is?!
You're in the presence of a lady of the Dustiness family, Dustiness Ford Lalatina!
This is an emergency!
Come on, milady, show that pendant you're hiding on your chest for proof!
Milady, stop resisting!
Just cough it up already, milady!
Kazuma, hold her tight!
I'll get—
Ow, ow! Darkness, that hurts!
Wiz, hurry up and get it! Now's your chance to get the pendant!
Wiz! Please, get over here!
Aqua, keep her right hand steady!
Come on, milady, calm down!
Wiz, go for it!
I'm so sorry, Darkness-san!
I'm so, so sorry!
Y-You guys, stop this! The Dustiness family doesn't just wield its authority for—
It's the real deal!
We're so sorry for our insolence.
You're such a pain.
Do you want us to treat you as a noble or as part of the gang? Figure it out!
Don't call me a pain!
Aren't you younger than I am, Kazuma?!
I treat you this way because I genuinely see you as a friend, Darkness.
Yes, not as some older noble lady named Lalatina-sama,
but as our trusty crusader, Darkness.
I-I see...
In that case, I suppose it's...
So easy.
Very easy.
Talk about easy.
There it is.
Whoa, the water's black!
This is poisoned! Like, it's totally poisoned!
If this is any indicator, the water source has probably been contaminated already.
Let's hurry!
Wait, someone's there.
I can't swallow this!
It'd make me too clean...
The detergent...
He looks like he's thinking of throwing himself in there.
He was feeling pretty violated by the Axis Church.
Look out!
Don't do anything rash!
Well, well! Are you folks sightseers?
Y'know, these hot springs work on lower back pain, stiff shoulders, exhaustion,
skin care, not to mention curing the blues, negativity, and all sorts of curses!
There are many famous folks from all around the world who swear by them!
So you should—
I think I've seen him somewhere before...
Seen me? Why, no! I assure you we've never met before.
Oh, Hans-san! It's you, isn't it, Hans-san?
Wh-Who might that be? I'm one of the overseers—
It's been so long, Hans-san! It's me, Wiz!
Wiz the lich!
I'm not sure what you mean...
If I remember, you're a type of Deadly Poison Slime mutant, right?
Could it be you were the one poisoning the water source?
Deadly Slime?
Hey, Hans-san, why are you ignoring me?
It's me, Wiz! Come on, Hans-san! Hans-san!
Please stop shaking me!
Did you forget about me?
Remember, back at the Devil King's castle—
I just remembered I have important business in town—
Where do you think you're going, Hans?!
Oh, right.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, fine.
Why don't you stop struggling
and reveal yourself, Hans?!
Damn it!
You jerks keep using my name with no respect!
Wiz, didn't you say you were going to open a store?!
Stop slacking in a hot springs town and get to work!
Th-That's so mean!
I work really hard!
Even though the harder I work, the less money I seem to have...
I spent ages doing this as quietly as possible...
Wiz, isn't the deal that you don't help us, apart from maintaining the barrier,
and in exchange, you don't oppose us?
A kind of non-intervention treaty?
So why are you getting in my way?
Wait, am I getting in your way?
I just wanted to say hi because it's been so long!
And that's getting in my way!
When I think of how I've suffered because of you...
You'd better be ready to pay.
What now, Wiz? You want to take me on?
These people are my friends!
Can't we discuss this?
You've lost your spine ever since you became a lich, Wiz!
When you hunted us as an arch wizard,
you never talked about discussing things!
B-Back then, I couldn't really see what was going on around me...
Wiz, you know him, right?
It's probably hard for you to take him on, so you can stay back.
My name is Satou Kazuma!
I have slain countless fearsome foes!
K-Kazuma-san, I would like to avoid fighting, but—
Let's do this, partner.
Very well. All who've learned my true identity have bowed down,
begging for mercy...
You seem to have real backbone.
What're you talking about? You're a slime, the weakest of monsters!
That deadly poison probably means you have some poison attacks,
but we've got Aqua, who can purify poison!
I'm not seeing any way we lose!
My name is Hans...
I am one of the leaders of the Devil King's army.
Hans the Deadly Poison Slime.
What, now? A leader of the Devil King's army?
Hans-san has a high price on his head, even among the Devil King's army leaders!
He's incredibly strong, so be careful!
Hey, slimes are weak, right? Total small fry?
Who told you that nonsense?!
Slimes are fearsome foes!
First of all, physical attacks have nearly no effect on them.
You can consider it over if they get a hold of you.
Either you'll be melted by their digestive enzymes or they'll smother you to death!
What the heck?! Scary!
Plus, his poison is toxic enough to affect every hot spring in town!
Coming in contact means instant death!
I-Instant death?!
Don't worry, Kazuma.
Even if you die, I'm here!
Just don't let him eat you. I can't resurrect you if you're digested.
Now, face me, courageous adventurers!
And strike me down if you—
Sorry! Really sorry about this!
Hey, why are we running?!
You idiot! Hurry up and move!
This is bad, bad, bad! He's worse than all the others!
The slime... We're leaving the slime...
Darkness, seriously, this one would kill you!
Isn't that...
Slay the demons! Defeat the Devil King!
Look, let's give up on the water source.
I mean, who'd actually miss the Axis cult?
What are you saying?!
The Axis Church in this town is gonna be ruined!
Isn't that a good thing?
P-Please stop teasing Aqua-sama!
Fine! Forget it!
Are you sure about this? Things are just going to get worse, at this rate.
Guess I don't have a choice!
Hey, you!
Your element is poison? No one's into that! It's too gloomy!
You probably just joined the Devil King's army because nobody liked you!
Now, repent!
How do you worms have the guts to face me again?
Whatever it is, once I finish with these hot springs, I'll be done with this town.
I'll finally be able to leave this disgusting town behind!
Look, I get how you feel...
Hey, wait! What happened to the real overseer?
I ate him.
Wait... What did you just...
I said I ate him!
I'm a slime! My instinct is to consume!
Cursed Crystal Prison!
The condition for my neutrality
was that no non-combatants were to be killed.
Isn't that right?
Wiz! Stop it! Cancel the magic!
It's unavoidable that adventurers lose their lives in battle.
They take the lives of monsters,
and make their livings doing so.
They should be prepared to meet a similar end.
The same for knights... They collect taxes,
and in exchange, they protect the citizenry.
Since they receive that payment,
their involvement in life-and-death battles is a natural consequence.
The entire area around here is going to be contamina—
But the nice old man who oversaw these hot springs didn't do anything wrong!
Wiz is scaring me...
To take on the woman who was known as the Ice Witch...
I have no other choice!
I'll devour as my instinct commands...
This is...
What a splendid slime! Such a shame!
If it weren't poisonous, I'd take it home and make it my pet!
Did he melt your brain?!
Get back here! It's dangerous!
What is that?! Is that what was polluting the hot springs?!
Purification! Purification! Purification!
Purification! Purification!
Ah, it burns, it burns!
Forget about that! Just run!
But I can't! If I don't protect the hot springs, my faithful...
The girl with the blue hair was telling the truth!
Get him!
Heal! Heal! Heal!
It's burning... It burns so much!
Purification! Purification! Purification! Purification!
You can do it, lady!
Watch out!
Everyone, get back! It's dangerous!
What're you doing, you stupid Eris cultist?!
You evil cultist!
I'll use my explosion magic to blow him to smithereens!
Don't! It'll pollute the entire mountain!
Damn it!
Wiz, isn't there anything you can do?!
I can't freeze him at that size with my current magic power!
If we could make him smaller somehow...
You polluted our hot springs!
You damnable nincompoop!
I guess even slimes have preferences...
Can't you come up with some sneaky plan to deal with this, like usual?!
Don't call it sneaky.
That's the hot springs overseer!
Did that beast eat him?!
It's gonna pay!
He hasn't been fully digested yet...
It's our only hope!
Aqua! You can revive someone if they're not fully digested, right?!
Huh? Yeah, I can!
Wiz! You could freeze him if he were smaller, right?!
Y-Yes! If he were around half his current size...
Megumin! You're gonna light him up! Get ready to go!
I-I can shoot it?! Okay, I'll shoot it!
I need to protect everyone from Hans as he's being blown away, right?
You've got it. I'm counting on you!
A leader-class enemy showing up in a hot springs town...
Damn it, what the hell is with this world's game balance?!
Purification! Purification! Purification! Purification!
I'm gonna be your meal today!
Detonation... Detonation... Detonation...
Wielder of the most glorious, powerful, and grand explosion magic...
My name is Megumin.
The blow that I am given to strike
turns a blind eye to the fate of my kindred,
rendering all hope of rebirth into anguish,
and the model by which all forces are judged!
You didn't run out of luck when you came to this town!
It was when you picked a fight with us!
The rest is up to you guys!
Pitiful creature...
Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood!
Burst forth! Explosion!
Let go of me, you cultist!
Cursed Crystal Prison!
Thank goodness I was able to stop Hans before I ran out of magic power...
Is it over?
To think you could push me this far...
But it's not over yet.
Soon, I will devour you all and be restored!
Defeat the Devil King.
Slay the demons. Defeat the Devil King.
Slay the demons. Defeat the Devil King.
Slay the demons. Defeat the Devil King!
God Blow!
I was wondering what you were up to, but this isn't enough to defeat me!
You pathetic priest!
Axis Church, our credo!
"The Axis Church can get things done.
And because you can get things done, even if it doesn't go well, it's not your fault!"
"It's society's fault that things don't work out!"
"You can run away from unpleasant things! That doesn't mean you've lost!
Because, as they say, 'Sometimes running away is winning'!"
"The answer you come to after being in doubt
is usually something you'll regret, no matter what you choose!
If you're going to regret it anyway,
do whatever's easiest for you in the moment!"
What is this light?!
"Do not fear growing old!
Not even God knows whether you will be happy in the future,
so you should, at least, be happy now!"
Slay the demons! Defeat the Devil King!
Slay the demons! Defeat the Devil King!
The sin of corrupting the hot springs of my beloved faithful
has earned you certain doom!
Seek God's salvation and repent!
Slay the demons! Defeat the Devil King!
It can't be...
Eris pads her chest!
God Requiem!
The wretched goddess they worship...
It can't be...
It was you?!
The battle was over.
After the trouble with the hot springs, we were shown...
no gratitude.
I worked hard to purify them!
Why's everyone so mad?!
Thanks to Aqua's God Requiem,
all of the hot springs in Arcanretia were turned into regular hot water.
The Devil King army's goal of cutting off the Axis Church's source of income
ultimately ended up being accomplished.
We were going to head home by having Wiz use Teleport...
But she was struck by the power of the purification
and looks like she could vanish at any second.
Come on! Come over here!
So we had to return home bouncing along in a wagon again.
That wasn't much of a hot springs trip in the end.
Hey, look!
Look over there!
I can see Axel!
Hot springs, huh? Must be nice to be you!
Welcome back!
Hey, Kazuma! Let's get some drinks at the guild tonight!
Welcome home. Sounds like a rough trip.
So you made it back alive.
Maybe you really are...
Nah, I must be imagining things.
Welcome home, everyone!
Now, Megumin, today we'll have our duel!
You were out here waiting every day, weren't you?
N-N-No, I wasn't! I just happened to come by today!
Oh, very well.
I'll indulge you, since it's been a while.
What? Really?
We're home!
Welcome back.
Nothing beats being in your own home!
Once winter ends, it'll be spring.
I wake here, sleep here, and live here...
in the moment.
To this unfair, impossibly cruel, wonderful world...
God bless it, and you.
Hey, Kazuma-san! The hot water's not working!
Thanks for your support! ~From the Staff & Cast~